About Us

Established October 18, 1992. At Abiding Faith we believe that God has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ. We believe that the Baptist (origin) doctrine can be traced back to Christ, and that salvation comes only by faith in God’s grace gift of Jesus, and only through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior can persons be redeemed.

Pastor Bobby R. Morgan
Bobby Ray Morgan serves as founding pastor of The Abiding Faith Baptist Church in Missouri City, Texas. Pastor Morgan was called to the ministry in 1973, preached his first sermon in 1973, and began Pastoring in1974. He has held positions at Lee Spring Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas and Briarchase Baptist Church, Missouri City, Texas. During his leadership at Briarchase, the church grew from 50 members to well over 1000.

Abiding Faith Baptist Church is a church on a journey—our focus is Jesus Christ! We believe that God gives each born again believer spiritual gifts/talents and abilities to edify and build up His Church; and we strongly encourage members to use their individual gifts to maximum effectiveness in the Body of Christ.